Friday, September 30, 2011

Noteable quotes

"hey it's me Gresh"
-Gresh's trademark line

"ohmygosh!,what happened to gresh!"
-Berix's reaction to Gresh after Tahu screwed him up NAT episode 6

"Who do you think I am stupid!?"
-Takanuva NAT episode 5 outdoor fun

"I will have world domination!!!!"
-Shadow Takanuva the movie trailer

"Hey isn't this copyright or something?"
-Takanuva NAT episode 1

"Five episodes"
-Berix NAT episode 6

"But I can still, hit you with this!"
Officer evil: spherus's ordeal

Takanuva: Important Message

"you're the only toa that's in my life"
Takanuva: NAT episode 7

"You again!?"
Spherus: Spherus's ordeal

"Witness my stealth mode, I am all white"
Officer Evil: Officer Evil Attacks!

"You know that doesn't flow very well"
Solek: The chronicles of Berix And Solek Episode 1 Capturing Somebody Else

"Takanuva why are you laying in the middle of the road?"
Tahu: NAT episode 7

"Whoa Whoa Whoa, Takanuva what are you thinking if you fall your life will be over!?"
Solek: Takanuva Movie Part 1

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