Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Mata Nui Resistance Team

Hey people, I am here to talk a little bit about the series the mata nui resistance team. The Mata Nui Resistance Team is on the TSGWCNAT YouTube channel and (as you may know) the series only has a prologue and nothing else. if you like the series and have questions or suggestions please e-mail the team or write a comment.

Please Note: The Mata Nui Resistance Team series is officially starting May 5th (2012 obviously) so be looking out for it :)

Monday, February 27, 2012

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Updated at last

Hello, you may have been wondering why I haven't been making videos on a regular basis?
Now it's not because i'm losing interest in making them of anything of that sort it's because I've been busy with a variety of things (writing a review for the legend of
zelda ocarina of time)and I haven't had the time to make YouTube movies. I have also been debating weather I'm going to make the "takanuva movie"

write comments and if there are any questions.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Noteable quotes

"hey it's me Gresh"
-Gresh's trademark line

"ohmygosh!,what happened to gresh!"
-Berix's reaction to Gresh after Tahu screwed him up NAT episode 6

"Who do you think I am stupid!?"
-Takanuva NAT episode 5 outdoor fun

"I will have world domination!!!!"
-Shadow Takanuva the movie trailer

"Hey isn't this copyright or something?"
-Takanuva NAT episode 1

"Five episodes"
-Berix NAT episode 6

"But I can still, hit you with this!"
Officer evil: spherus's ordeal

Takanuva: Important Message

"you're the only toa that's in my life"
Takanuva: NAT episode 7

"You again!?"
Spherus: Spherus's ordeal

"Witness my stealth mode, I am all white"
Officer Evil: Officer Evil Attacks!

"You know that doesn't flow very well"
Solek: The chronicles of Berix And Solek Episode 1 Capturing Somebody Else

"Takanuva why are you laying in the middle of the road?"
Tahu: NAT episode 7

"Whoa Whoa Whoa, Takanuva what are you thinking if you fall your life will be over!?"
Solek: Takanuva Movie Part 1

Thursday, September 29, 2011

What's T.S.G.W.C.N.A.T?

T.S.G.W.C.N.A.T stands for the same guy who created the new adventures of Takanuva.

Takanuva is a VERY stupid bionicle who thinks he has tons of friends but sadly he is unaware that his "friends" are double crossing him.

"what are you talking about I have tons of friends"
-Takanuva: Takanuva Movie #1 Nitro's Reign

Besides just hosting the new adventures of takanuva we also host something called bioniCalibur which is pretty much the classic good vs evil so expect to see more entries in the comming time thanks
